Forecasting Components
Development and implemenation: HCMR Chief Scientist: Dr. Gerasimos Korres
The Mediterranean Sea ocean forecasting system is composed of a 1/10° resolution – 24 sigma layers Mediterranean implementation of POM model (Korres et al., 2008) and a data assimilation scheme based on the Singular…
Development and Implementation: HCMR Chief Scientist: Dr. Gerasimos Korres
A. WAM modelThe wave forecasting system was set-up as a nested configuration with a coarse grid covering the entire Mediterranean Sea at a spatial resolution of 0.1o×0.1o and a fine grid nested within the coarse grid. The domain of…
Development and implementation: HCMR, Department of Geography - Harokopio University of Athens - Atmospheric Modeling and Weather Forecasting Group of the University of Athens Chief Scientist: Dr. A. Papadopoulos (2000-2018)
The POSEIDON weather forecasting system was initially developed in 1997-2000 in…
Development and Implementation: HCMR Chief Scientist: Dr. George Triantafyllou
The POSEIDON ecosystem simulation tool comprises two on-line coupled models: A hydrodynamic, based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) (Blumberg and Mellor, 1978) with a 1/10° resolution and 24 sigma layers, and a low-trophic biogeochemical model based…
Development and Implementation: HCMR Chief Scientist: Leonidas Perivoliotis
The POSEIDON Oil Spill fate and trajectory model is based on PARCEL model (Pollani et al. 2001) which is able to simulate not only the drift of the oil but also the chemical transformations under the specific environmental conditions…