Boat loaded and ready for the transportation (Nov. 2015) Boat enters the water (Nov. 2015) Boat ready for the cruise (Nov. 2015) CTD preparation for deployment (Nov. 2015) CTD ready to go (Nov. 2015) Bottles attached for water sampling (Nov. 2015) Plankton Net sampling (Nov. 2015) Plankton Net sampling (Nov. 2015) E1-M3A buoy (Sep. 2016) Sampling using R/V Philia at E1-M3A site (Sep. 2016) Plankton Net sampling from R/V Philia (Sep. 2016) Plankton Net sampling from R/V Philia (Sep. 2016) Plankton Net sampling from R/V Philia (Sep. 2016) Plankton Net sampling from R/V Philia (Sep. 2016) Preparation for water sampling (Sep. 2016) Preparation for water sampling (Sep. 2016) CTD deployment from R/V Philia (Sep. 2016) CTD deployment from R/V Philia (Sep. 2016) Taking care of samples at R/V Philia's lab (Sep. 2016) Taking care of samples at R/V Philia's lab (Sep. 2016) Preserving the samples collected by net (Sep. 2016) Preserving the samples collected by net (Sep. 2016) Preserving the samples collected by net (Sep. 2016) E1-M3A's shot during the sampling (Sep. 2016) Preparation for the sediment trap deployment (June 2012) Sediment trap deployment in the Cretan Sea (July 2015) Plankton net's preparation for sampling (Sep. 2012) Plankton net in the water (Sep 2012) Niskin bottle ready for deployment (May 2013) Niskin bottle descending in the water (May 2013) Sampling preparation procedures (Sep. 2012) CTD ready for deplpoyment (March 2015) Large zooplankton organisms captured with a 500 μm mesh-size net in the 0-350 m layer at the E1-M3A location (Potiris et al., 2018) Large zooplankton organisms captured with a 500 μm mesh-size net in the 0-350 m layer at the E1-M3A location (Potiris et al., 2018)