The never ending need to study the ocean and answer scientific questions related not only to the ocean surface, but more importantly to the ocean’s underexplored deep interior, has motivated the exploitation of submarine fiber optic based measuring techniques. SUBMERSE (SUBMarine cablEs for ReSearch and Exploration) project aims to utilise existing submarine cables, already in use by research and education networks, to monitor the Earth and its systems. Over the past five years, marine scientists have begun using existing underwater fiber optic telecommunications cables as "sensors" that can track mammals, monitor earthquakes, volcanoes, and ocean waves. To this end, there are currently two promising technologies that can be used to provide strain measurements which in turn are converted into geophysical signals: Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and State of Polarization (SOP) techniques. The SUBMERSE project aims to apply these two technologies for the first time on the same submarine cable in different locations and to investigate the sustainability of such an observing and monitoring tool. Since the telecommunication cables already exist and are designed for long-term operation, the application of combined DAS /SOP techniques could become a potentially cost-effective operational platform for long term monitoring of the ocean.
The SUBMERSE project aims to develop and implement a pilot activity that would serve as a blueprint for the continuous monitoring of many more cables in the future, leading to the opening of new market opportunities and the demonstration of methods to maximize investment in research infrastructures by using the byproducts of their operation for the purposes of new scientific research. Project coordinator Carmela Asero of EFIS added, "All partners are excited to begin work on this highly innovative project. We have an opportunity here to do something really quite amazing, making use of existing infrastructure to provide a world of new data and together with the research communities making use of this data, potentially make new discoveries!"
As a partner in the SUBMERSE project, the POSEIDON team has a unique opportunity to work with a new and exciting oceanographic dataset derived from submarine fiber optic cables. Over the next three years, the POSEIDON team will have the following tasks:
(1) Work on calibration/validation of the project by comparing the derived DAS /SOP wave and current data with insitu measurements and/or ocean reanalysis models.
(2) Examine which DAS /SOP applications at project sites can provide useful data to the marine community and which oceanographic use cases have the potential to be used operationally.
(3) Become the link between the SUBMERSE project and oceanographic data integrators (Copernicus In Situ TAC and EMODnet) to facilitate the process of data integration and its dissemination to the marine community.
The SUBMERSE project is funded by the EU (HORIZON Europe) and is a collaboration of 24 parties: 18 partners (including the coordinator), 5 affiliated partners, and 1 associated partner
SUBMERSE website: