The methodology, the products and the feature goals of the Mediterranean forecasting service (CMEMS MED MFC - Waves) as presented at the MED MFC virtual booth during the annual (2021) meeting of the Copernicus marine component. The Mediterranean…
The POSEIDON buoys (wavescan type) can now facilitate for an experimental AIS (Automatic Identification System) transceiver. The device is set up as an AtoN (Aid to Navigation) and can continuously transmit the name and position of the buoy to…
Written by: M. Ravdas, A. Zacharioudaki, D. Denaxa and G. Korres
Copernicus Marine Service – MED MFC Waves & POSEIDON Operational Forecasts Team- HCMR
From 17-20 September 2020, the Mediterranean cyclone IANOS hit Greece…
Composed by POSEIDON scientific team
16/9/2020 17/9/2020The wind pattern over the sea surface on 16th of September 2020 as…
The significant wave height spatial distribution in the SE Ionian area due to IANOS Medicane is showing in the figure according to high resolution (2Km) POSEIDON WAM model. The maximum values of the significant wave height on the west coast of…
In the period between 29/08/20 and 4/09/20, there was a maintenance cruise for the recovery and redeployment of the oceanographic buoy at the Poseidon-Pylos site. The buoy now features an experimental AIS system with the ability to transmit…
The POSEIDON team participation to the workshop concerns two important components within Copernicus Marine Service:
A) MED-waves modelling products: with Anna Zacharioudaki presenting during the 1st day of online sessions the regional…
The POSEIDON buoy which was deployed north of Mykonos island was detached from its anchorage early in the morning of 23rd of July 2020 and started to drift southwards to Naxos island. After communication with the Naxos port authorities by the…
The monitoring of cetaceans in the Cretan Sea continues during the summer mission of the glider. The autonomous acoustic sensor has been re-attached on the vehicle in the framework of the collaboration with the University of St. Andrews in the…
The fifth General Assembly of Copernicus INSTAC, which was originally scheduled to be held in Goteborg, took place on line between 23 and 25 of June 2020. During the meeting, the current operational status of the service in the seven…